Find out how you can report anti-social behaviour
Comments, Complaints
We welcome your feedback good or bad. We are always ready to listen, and we use your comments to help improve our services.
Please read our self-help guides as these often have the answers you’re looking for
We always aim to provide a good service and we love hearing from you when something has gone well.
We also recognise there are times when things can go wrong. When this happens it is just as important that we are made aware so that we have a chance to put things right and avoid the same thing happening again.
If you have any concerns or complaints about our services, we’re here to help.
What is a compliment?
A compliment is:
- When you tell us that you’re pleased with a service.
- About the standard of service you have received or the action taken by customer services.
- Something which deserves acknowledgement.
What is and isn’t a complaint?
A complaint is when you express dissatisfaction with our service. You can communicate it through various means, such as writing or verbally. We welcome complaints from individuals or groups and encourage you to provide as much detail as possible to help us resolve the issue.
However, some issues, such as service requests, anti-social behaviour, fly-tipping, and personal injury dealt with by insurers or other statutory bodies, are not considered complaints. You can contact us through our main contact form, or reach out to Torfaen County Council or the Police Authority for assistance with these matters.
*Any personal information which you provide within this form will be stored securely and confidentially and will be used solely in relation to the subject that you request from the options below. Your personal information will not be supplied to any party outside of Bron Afon.