The Council has legal duties and responsibilities when it comes to dealing with abandoned vehicles and certain “nuisance parking” offences.
We will maintain hedges in accordance with relevant wildlife legislation. This includes working within specific times and with necessary precautions.
We will deal with litter at as part of our normal cleansing activities. We do this every two weeks on our streets and land.
The block cleaning service is a basic cleaning service that is offered. The average visit ranges from 10 – 30 minutes. You can view what this includes below.
We prune hedges in the autumn/winter season when most are dormant. Depending on the weather, they can grow, and this may not be in a form that is as shaped or controlled.
We inspect play areas for safety every week. If you spot a problem, please let us know – add contact details.
Not everything left in the streets is “fly-tipping,” for example unwanted items, bins and containers and other materials rejected by Torfaen Council Waste Crews.
We are responsible for a small number of paths and roads. The council will also be responsible for maintaining (including cleaning) the streets and roads they are responsible for.
Please do not leave items in the corridor, bin store or in the street unless you have already made arrangements for them to be removed.
During the grass-cutting season (usually March to October), we will monitor work that has been done for things like missed cuts and overall quality.
Bins and collection of waste and recycling are the Council’s responsibility. They have processes in place to deal with a missed collection and to investigate side waste.
We inspect all our trees regularly on a risk– first basis. We inspect some more frequently due to the potential for risks in the future.
Bron Afon & Torfaen Council work together to address adverse winter weather. You can find helpful links, including winter driving tips and severe weather guidance.
Visit our self-help guides which cover a wider range of topics regarding caretaking and grounds services. Click the button below.
If you still have some questions on caretaking and grounds service, then please first visit our self-help guides. If you do not find your answer please fill out our enquiry form and we’ll advise you further.