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Bron Afon is supporting the White Ribbon Day campaign

Bron Afon is supporting the White Ribbon Day campaign

One of our core values is ‘Respect’ in all its forms.  Treating people fairly and with dignity underpins everything we do as an organisation and it’s one of the main reasons we’re committed to supporting the White Ribbon Day campaign to end violence against women and girls.

Quite simply, no women and girls should be living in fear of the threat of violence in 2022, nor any other time frankly. The high profile cases that hit the headlines don’t tell the full story of a problem we still have in society.

It’s sadly appropriate for the campaign to be launched during the FIFA Men’s World Cup as there is still, even now a depressing link to the game. I’m a football fan, but when men’s ‘passion for the game’ spills over into threats and violence it shames us all. Something I was very aware of growing up. I support the team I do because my step dad chose it when he was a child. He chose it because it was his father’s rival team. He made that decision because he hated the way his dad behaved when his team lost. Saturday was a living hell for his mum. Tragically this still happens today.

But this problem is not really about football. There’s something much deeper going on in the minds of men who feel the need to behave in this way. To talk about it touches raw nerves but talking about it is also the way we begin to deal with it.

C’mon guys, it starts with us, it’s about respect and thinking about our behaviour.

We can all do something about this.

Alan Brunt
Bron Afon Community Housing

Help is there if you need it 

If you or anyone you know is a victim of domestic abuse, here are some organisations that can help:

Live Fear Free Helplinea 24-hour service and, although you need credit on your mobile to dial the number, the call is free: 0808 8010800

Cyfannol Women’s Aidfor immediate help at any time, call them on 03300 564 456 (24 hours)

Respect Men’s Advice Line: support for male victims of domestic abuse.  Call Freephone 08088 010 327

Mankind Initiative: confidential helpline for male victims of domestic abuse and domestic violence. Call 01823 334 244 weekdays, 10am to 4pm.

GDAS (Gwent Drug and Alcohol Service): has details of organisations offering support for anyone experiencing domestic abuse.
Stonewall Cymru: provides advice and support on a range of issues to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender victims and survivors of domestic abuse in Wales.

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