This strategy sets out how we will be meeting the housing and support needs of the people of Torfaen over the next 10 years.
This strategy sets out how we will be meeting the housing and support needs of the people of Torfaen over the next 10 years.
In 2024/25 Bron Afon has received £5.8 million in dowry gap funding from the Welsh Government which will be spent on WHQS improvement schemes.
This is our seventh annual report prepared for the Welsh Language Commissioner, to demonstrate the progress made implementing our Welsh Language Scheme.
At Bron Afon, our mission is to create safe and strong communities where everyone has a home they’re proud of.
At this year’s “snapshot date” we employed 388 people in permanent or fixed term contract roles.
WHQS 2023 stands for the Welsh Housing Quality Standards 2023. These are updated guidelines from the Welsh Government that set out what is expected of social landlords to ensure homes are safe, high quality, and support the health and wellbeing of tenants.
Find out what we have been doing and our plans for the future in our Annual Report.
Bron Afon is one of 33 Housing Associations which took part in a salary benchmarking survey for an independent report on senior management salaries.
Welsh Government Regulatory Judgement on Bron Afon
As a Registered Social Landlord, we are regulated by the Welsh Government Regulatory Team. We are pleased to report that our latest Regulatory Judgement confirms that we are “Compliant”, and this means we are rated Green for ‘Governance & Tenant Services and Financial Viability.’
The Regulatory Framework for Housing Associations Registered in Wales (2021) gives landlords clear goals to follow so we can continue to provide the best housing services to our customers. There are nine standards that we must show we are meeting. All the standards are outcome focused and designed to evidence that housing associations in Wales are:
- Well-governed.
- Delivering high quality homes and services
- Financially viable.