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Preventing damp and mould in your home

Preventing damp and mould in your home

Some homes suffer from condensation and damp which can lead to mould. This is more common in winter months when it’s colder and there is a build-up of condensation in our homes. Mould is usually found in places where there is poor air flow and cold spots.

Condensation can lead to damp which can cause black mould on walls, furniture and mildew on clothes, curtains and fabrics.

There are three main causes of condensation:

  • Too much moisture in your home, often created by steam from cooking, showering or bathing
  • Not enough ventilation for air to move around
  • Your home is too cold.

Your safety and wellbeing is important to us. We want to work with you to make sure you are safe, warm and secure in your home.

We can all make small changes to the way we live in our homes to prevent mould.

Here are some things you can do:

  • Reduce moisture in the air in your home
  • Reducing air moisture in your home will help prevent mould. Dry any condensation that you find on your walls, ceilings and windowsills. Dehumidifiers can also help to remove moisture from the air.
  • Try to keep your bathroom and kitchen doors shut tightly and keep your windows open while cooking and bathing.
  • To prevent mould and condensation forming, it’s a good idea to dry and wipe any areas with excess moisture. For example, if you find condensation on your bedroom windows after a night’s sleep. You just need to wipe them down with a dry cloth.
  • Don’t hang wet clothes on radiators. If you’re using a tumble dryer, please make sure it’s vented correctly.Use extractor fans if you have them. On average, they cost one pence per day to run.
  • Ensure your home is well-ventilated
  • Ventilation is important when it comes to tackling condensation. Opening trickle vents on windows or opening a window a little can reduce condensation.
  • Keep furniture away from the walls to allow air to circulate.
  • Keep your home sealed from water
  • If you have any concerns about water coming into your home, please contact us.

Heat your home

During the winter, heat your home efficiently, to prevent condensation forming because of changes in warmth. We understand that with the cost of living crisis you may not want to put your heating on, but this can cause problems. If you are struggling, please contact our Tenancy Support Team at tenancy_support@bronafon.org.uk who will do everything they can to help you.

For your immediate safety

  • Please avoid using bottled gas or paraffin heaters. They are dangerous and produce carbon monoxide as well as generating a lot of moisture. Please ensure you have a working carbon monoxide alarm in the same room if you do use them, we can provide these free of charge.

If you have signs of mould within your home, please get in contact with us. You can do this on our website Contact Bron Afon – BronAfon or you can ring our Customer Hub team on 01633 620111 between 8AM – 5PM (Monday to Friday)

What we will do

We will send one of our team or a Bron Afon approved contractor to take a look at your home. When they visit you, they will carry a photo ID card with them.

  • They will carry out a full inspection and assess your home to identify the causes and repairs needed.
  • Once the work is carried out, we will check the work completed has resolved the previous issue.
  • If you have any further problems, please get in contact with us.

You can find more information via our Self Help Guides.

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