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Pitch4Pounds: Helping Merchant’s Hill Craft Club Make a Difference

Pitch4Pounds: Helping Merchant’s Hill Craft Club Make a Difference

We love a happy community storyHere’s a lovely update from Jayne Curtis, who runs Merchant’s Hill Baptist Church Craft Club.

They received £300 from our Pitch4Pounds funding earlier this year: 

“Merchant’s Hill Baptist Church Craft Club were extremely grateful and very pleased to have been successful in their Pitch4Pound community money, gaining £300 from Bron Afon Community Housing this year. They totally enjoyed the whole process, including their visit to Bron Afon, which for some was a new and exciting experience. 

“With the money, they were able to purchase a sewing machine, two glue guns, some new scissors and a hand loom. 

“By receiving the money, it has not only allowed the group to purchase much needed equipment but also allowed them to free up money to purchase wool, felts and other craft items to continue to provide the charity work they do. This includes: 

  • knitting blankets to donate to dog and cat organisations 
  • making baby hats and clothes for premature babies, which we give to the local hospital 
  • making hats for children suffering with hair loss  
  • twiggle muffs for local nursing homes for dementia patients 
  • helping to raise money for the church for much needed repairs by the items that we sell on our craft table in the church.

“This has helped the group to have a great sense of self-worth and belonging by helping their community. 

“The sewing machine has already been used to make cushions, sewing kits and cuddly toys. The long-term plan is to promote the mending of clothes and to continue to show how to repurpose materials that would have gone to the landfill, promoting sustainability. 

“The glue guns have helped the group make it easier to complete craft items. They have made beautiful Christmas table decorations for the Church as well as other gifts. They have found that it secures their crafting with ease and they are having more success then normal glue, making their craft work look more professional. 

“The hand loom that has been purchased has proved to be a great favourite within the group, as it is so easy to use (it only requires just turning a handle once threaded up) and produces items very quickly. This has been put to great use making door draft excluders using donated wool. These have been made to help with reducing fuel poverty within people’s homes. It has also helped people who feel they can’t make anything, enjoy making something useful with ease.  It’s improving people’s mental health and boosting their wellbeing. 

“By Bron Afon supporting the craft club, it has helped support the local community. The group supports and helps people’s mental health and wellbeing by giving them the opportunity and confidence to try crafting that they may not be able to normally afford within a safe, friendly warm environment. They help others within their community through their charity donations, giving them a feeling of community spirit. As they meet up, weekly friendships have formed, allowing people to feel confident helping each other with ideas they have and to feel less isolated, more part of their community and improve their social interaction within the group.” 

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