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Give us feedback on Your Voice

Give us feedback on Your Voice

We’re excited to launch the new Your Voice website. We want to work with our customers to make changes and improvements to our services, and we want our customers’ voice to help us shape what we do.

Join Your Voice to give your feedback and views directly to Bron Afon on projects which matter to you


What is Your Voice?

‘Your Voice’ is an interactive way for you to have your say on topics and projects that matter to you.  We will share all our latest conversations and projects on this platform.

 How can I have my say?

Sign up and register on Your Voice to give your feedback and views directly to Bron Afon on projects which matter to you.

You will:

  • Help to shape our services by sharing your views.
  • Be the first to hear about new projects and ideas.
  • Get emails from us about projects and areas you are interested in.
  • Be an important part of what Bron Afon does.
  • Hear from us about the changes we make thanks to your feedback.

 How can I take part?

You will find all our latest surveys and questions on the Your Voice Homepage. Our projects are set up in a range of categories.

You can use the project categories or search for topics that you are interested in. For each project you will find a summary of information as well as guidance about how you can share your views.

We use a range of tools to get your feedback such as: –

Surveys – These help us ask you some questions about a project, so that we can better understand your views. Places – This tool allows you to pinpoint certain things on a map.

Polls – This allows us to ask you questions so we can find out your opinion quickly and easily.

Forums – We use our forums to share your views and speak to other Your Voice members about theirs.

Ideas – The ideas tool allows you to post suggestions on a virtual post-it note for us to pick up.

We will use email, our website and social media to update customers on the changes and actions we have taken following Your Voice feedback.

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