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Gwent Housing Support Virtual Open Day

Gwent Housing Support Virtual Open Day

Gwent Housing Support is having its very first Virtual Open Day on Thursday 17th February.

If you require support for your housing situation or are interested in how to refer someone to one of these services, this event is for you! Come anytime between 10 am-4 pm on Thursday 17th February.

They hope that this E-Open Day will give people a fantastic opportunity to find out more about Housing Support in Gwent, enable them to meet a wide variety of support providers who deliver services across Gwent to help people who are at risk of homelessness and provide them with a chance to look at the recruitment opportunities currently available.

The Housing Support Grant (HSG) Programme is an early intervention programme that funds a wide range of housing-related support and homelessness services for vulnerable people across Gwent, and supports activity that prevents people from becoming homeless, stabilizes their housing situation, or helps potentially homeless people to find and keep accommodation.

The vision for the Housing Support Programme is:

“A Wales where nobody is homeless and everyone has a safe home where they can flourish and live a fulfilled, active and independent life”

The E-Open Day comes fully equipped with the ability to visit the exhibition stands and use easy text, audio, or video chat function tools to communicate with exhibitors on the day, giving you a great opportunity to find out what it’s like to work in this fantastic and friendly sector and a chance to discuss career opportunities and any current vacancies that support provider organisations may have.

Why Attend?

  • Come and find out what Housing Support services do in Gwent
  • Get ready to ask us questions: representatives are available from support provider organisations and from each of the Gwent Local Authority Housing Support Grant teams
  • Check out recruitment opportunities and find a job
  • Win a great prize by interacting with us at the Open Day.

You can find out more on the Gwent Housing website, by clicking here.

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