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Welsh Government Regulatory Judgement

Welsh Government Regulatory Judgement

We’re pleased to share our latest Welsh Government Regulatory Judgement

As a Registered Social Landlord, we are regulated by the Welsh Government Regulatory Team.

We are pleased to report that our latest Regulatory Judgement confirms that we are “Compliant”, and this means we are rated Green for ‘Governance & Tenant Services and Financial Viability.’

The Regulatory Framework for Housing Associations Registered in Wales (2021) gives landlords clear goals to follow so we can continue to provide the best housing services to our customers. There are nine standards that we must show we are meeting. All the standards are outcome focused and designed to evidence that housing associations in Wales are:

  • Well-governed.
  • Delivering high quality homes and services
  • Financially viable.

Every year, as part of the Regulatory process, we carry out a self-evaluation of our activities to show how we meet the relevant guidelines. We then share it with the Welsh Government’s Housing Regulation Team, for them to review and check. They then publish the Welsh Government Regulatory Judgment report for Bron Afon.

You can read our latest Regulatory Judgement here.

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